It is funny how the days pass faster than you realize and then before you know it months have gone by and all you have written is thoughts, verses, meditations, and partially written blogs on many napkins from the road, but still nothing has been pieced together and put out there for you guys to read.
So, I apologize for my absence. The past few months have been many long drives, many beds, and lots of beautiful faces to be seen. We have been blessed beyond measure by the love that is daily poured into our lives that at times it takes me days, weeks, months to process all that we have been through in the past 8 months.
This is me processing. It is a daily task that I have to work on and constantly make time for. Meditation, reflection, journaling… it is a constant effort I am putting forth.
To be honest, I absolutely miss Kenya or as I say to Sean pretty often, ‘I miss home’.
I miss the people. I miss the culture and in my prayers today, I actually admitted to the Lord that I miss the heat. I miss coming home fully exhausted from the heat, smelling terrible, feeling grimy from dust, but all in all knowing that it was a beautiful day under the Kenyan sun doing some pretty cool things with the Lord. I miss it all.
So, am I eager to return?
Of course.
But, does the Lord have me here and now for a reason?
Jesus is teaching me everyday to be here. To be present and to know that I am made to serve Him no matter where I am. No matter who I am with. I am made to be His light.
As I constantly grow in Christ I am reminded that love never leaves. Jesus Christ is Love and He never leaves my side. He gives abundantly. “I have come that they may have life and that they may have it more abundantly” (John 10:10)
Today, I take a deep breath and promise to be in the now. Promise to be in the present for the Lord because He knows our future. He knows our tomorrow and there is no reason to worry.
I trust in Him and will daily work hard to serve Him.
“The best thing to do with the Bible is to know it in the head, stow it in the heart, sow it in the world, and show it in the life.”
Jenny Nuccio
So, I apologize for my absence. The past few months have been many long drives, many beds, and lots of beautiful faces to be seen. We have been blessed beyond measure by the love that is daily poured into our lives that at times it takes me days, weeks, months to process all that we have been through in the past 8 months.
This is me processing. It is a daily task that I have to work on and constantly make time for. Meditation, reflection, journaling… it is a constant effort I am putting forth.
To be honest, I absolutely miss Kenya or as I say to Sean pretty often, ‘I miss home’.
I miss the people. I miss the culture and in my prayers today, I actually admitted to the Lord that I miss the heat. I miss coming home fully exhausted from the heat, smelling terrible, feeling grimy from dust, but all in all knowing that it was a beautiful day under the Kenyan sun doing some pretty cool things with the Lord. I miss it all.
So, am I eager to return?
Of course.
But, does the Lord have me here and now for a reason?
Jesus is teaching me everyday to be here. To be present and to know that I am made to serve Him no matter where I am. No matter who I am with. I am made to be His light.
As I constantly grow in Christ I am reminded that love never leaves. Jesus Christ is Love and He never leaves my side. He gives abundantly. “I have come that they may have life and that they may have it more abundantly” (John 10:10)
Today, I take a deep breath and promise to be in the now. Promise to be in the present for the Lord because He knows our future. He knows our tomorrow and there is no reason to worry.
I trust in Him and will daily work hard to serve Him.
“The best thing to do with the Bible is to know it in the head, stow it in the heart, sow it in the world, and show it in the life.”
Jenny Nuccio