Lately Sean and I have been on a health kick trying to lose those extra “honeymoon” pounds from all the traveling we did on the road. It feels great to get back on track with not only our eating, but also the daily exercise!
Running is one of my favorite things to do and as I was running this morning I realized it was not one of my favorite things at that very moment… it was hard. The whole time I was playing mental tricks on myself. At times I wanted to stop because my joy for running had quickly turned to agony, but then I would have a quick turn of emotions to encouraging words of ‘keep going’ and ‘you can do it!’ In the end, I finished the 3-mile loop. Was I fast? Absolutely not. But, did I stop? NO, I finished! I made it through all the ups and downs of the Texas hill country.
Our daily walk with the Lord is kind of like that.
This past month, our Pastor has encouraged us to take on the Proverbs Challenge. Each day you read the chapter that corresponds with the day of the month. As I was running this morning I was reflecting on Proverbs 9, which we had talked about a couple of Sunday’s ago in church.
“The fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom, and knowledge of the Holy One is understanding. For through wisdom your days will be many, and years will be added to your life. If you are wise, your wisdom will reward you; if you are a mocker, you alone will suffer.” – Proverbs 9:10-12
Following the Lord is not easy nor is it something we can do just now and then. Just like this “health kick” everyone gets on after they see a few extra pounds occur around their mid-section. We know what we should do – Eat good, exercise daily – so we will pick up a good trend for a month or two and then fall back into the comfortable ways of fast food, which causes a lack of energy to make time for the daily exercise our body needs.
Our daily walk with the Lord is just like our body. It needs to be nourished and it needs to be fed daily. We need to make time for the Lord.
“Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding; in all your ways submit to him, and he will make your paths straight.” – Proverbs 3:5-6
In order to keep the extra pounds off and maintain your weight you must have a daily healthy lifestyle that you enjoy. In order to continue to lean on not your own understanding, but on the Lord you must have a daily relationship with the Lord. As a young Christian, I constantly struggled with living for the Lord daily. I would have this “high” for the Lord for a couple of months and then gain the extra pounds of the temptations of the world around me. I lived in a vicious cycle of a high-low lifestyle instead of a creating a constant flow in my life.
So tell me: If we can spend millions of dollars a year in America to keep up our physical appearance through gym memberships, diet pills, meal plans, etc. Then why can we not spend a couple minutes a day to work and continue to develop our spiritual health?
“The more you know God, the more you are around Him, the more you seek and know His will for your life.” –Pastor Larry, CBC Bulverde
We might feel like we are never growing closer to the Lord or we still do not know our purpose for our life, so I challenge you to ask yourself, when was the last time you reached out to Him in prayer? When was the last time you opened your bible? When was the last time you said, ‘Hey God, I can not do this alone, I need you.’ ?
In order to know your purpose and in order to know God more, you have to be seeking Him daily. Seeking His will for your life starts with seeking Him first.
Seek the Lord and I promise, He will make your paths straight.
It is time to stop viewing our Father like just another "health kick".
It is time to create a healthy lifestyle and daily seek Him first.
Radiating HIS love Everyday,
Jenny Nuccio
Running is one of my favorite things to do and as I was running this morning I realized it was not one of my favorite things at that very moment… it was hard. The whole time I was playing mental tricks on myself. At times I wanted to stop because my joy for running had quickly turned to agony, but then I would have a quick turn of emotions to encouraging words of ‘keep going’ and ‘you can do it!’ In the end, I finished the 3-mile loop. Was I fast? Absolutely not. But, did I stop? NO, I finished! I made it through all the ups and downs of the Texas hill country.
Our daily walk with the Lord is kind of like that.
This past month, our Pastor has encouraged us to take on the Proverbs Challenge. Each day you read the chapter that corresponds with the day of the month. As I was running this morning I was reflecting on Proverbs 9, which we had talked about a couple of Sunday’s ago in church.
“The fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom, and knowledge of the Holy One is understanding. For through wisdom your days will be many, and years will be added to your life. If you are wise, your wisdom will reward you; if you are a mocker, you alone will suffer.” – Proverbs 9:10-12
Following the Lord is not easy nor is it something we can do just now and then. Just like this “health kick” everyone gets on after they see a few extra pounds occur around their mid-section. We know what we should do – Eat good, exercise daily – so we will pick up a good trend for a month or two and then fall back into the comfortable ways of fast food, which causes a lack of energy to make time for the daily exercise our body needs.
Our daily walk with the Lord is just like our body. It needs to be nourished and it needs to be fed daily. We need to make time for the Lord.
“Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding; in all your ways submit to him, and he will make your paths straight.” – Proverbs 3:5-6
In order to keep the extra pounds off and maintain your weight you must have a daily healthy lifestyle that you enjoy. In order to continue to lean on not your own understanding, but on the Lord you must have a daily relationship with the Lord. As a young Christian, I constantly struggled with living for the Lord daily. I would have this “high” for the Lord for a couple of months and then gain the extra pounds of the temptations of the world around me. I lived in a vicious cycle of a high-low lifestyle instead of a creating a constant flow in my life.
So tell me: If we can spend millions of dollars a year in America to keep up our physical appearance through gym memberships, diet pills, meal plans, etc. Then why can we not spend a couple minutes a day to work and continue to develop our spiritual health?
“The more you know God, the more you are around Him, the more you seek and know His will for your life.” –Pastor Larry, CBC Bulverde
We might feel like we are never growing closer to the Lord or we still do not know our purpose for our life, so I challenge you to ask yourself, when was the last time you reached out to Him in prayer? When was the last time you opened your bible? When was the last time you said, ‘Hey God, I can not do this alone, I need you.’ ?
In order to know your purpose and in order to know God more, you have to be seeking Him daily. Seeking His will for your life starts with seeking Him first.
Seek the Lord and I promise, He will make your paths straight.
It is time to stop viewing our Father like just another "health kick".
It is time to create a healthy lifestyle and daily seek Him first.
Radiating HIS love Everyday,
Jenny Nuccio