Day 2:
"Don't become so well-adjusted to your culture that you fit into it without even thinking. Instead, fix your attention on God. You'll be changed from the inside out. Readily recognize what he wants from you, and quickly respond to it." - Romans 12:2 MSG
Jesus, help me to keep my eyes on You, not on my circumstances and not on the world around me, for all those things will one day fade away. But You, Your power, Your gift to me of eternal life, and Your Word will always be here. I am looking for You in all places, including the eyes of my children. Lead me, Lord. I am ready to follow, no questions asked.
Day 3:
"Now we look inside, and what we see is that anyone united with the Messiah gets a fresh start, is created new. The old life is gone; a new life burgeons! - 2 Corinthians 5:17 MSG
I'm forgetting about my past mistakes, Lord. You have given me a new life, a fresh start. Suddenly I feel reborn. In your strength, I am re-created, allowing You to mold me into the person You want me to be, the mother You created me to be. Praise God for the chance to begin anew! May I extend as much grace to my children as You have extended to me.
"Don't become so well-adjusted to your culture that you fit into it without even thinking. Instead, fix your attention on God. You'll be changed from the inside out. Readily recognize what he wants from you, and quickly respond to it." - Romans 12:2 MSG
Jesus, help me to keep my eyes on You, not on my circumstances and not on the world around me, for all those things will one day fade away. But You, Your power, Your gift to me of eternal life, and Your Word will always be here. I am looking for You in all places, including the eyes of my children. Lead me, Lord. I am ready to follow, no questions asked.
Day 3:
"Now we look inside, and what we see is that anyone united with the Messiah gets a fresh start, is created new. The old life is gone; a new life burgeons! - 2 Corinthians 5:17 MSG
I'm forgetting about my past mistakes, Lord. You have given me a new life, a fresh start. Suddenly I feel reborn. In your strength, I am re-created, allowing You to mold me into the person You want me to be, the mother You created me to be. Praise God for the chance to begin anew! May I extend as much grace to my children as You have extended to me.